Jail Programs
Inmate programs in the jail are a critical element in accomplishing the mission of the facility, which includes a philosophy of providing for the reintegration of inmates into society. These programs include computer labs for self paced learning in the full range of classes leading to a high school diploma or equivalent. Additionally there is an aggressive partnership between the jail and Nebo School District for the assignment of a high school teacher to teach in-house courses for inmates in the jail. Special emphasis is on adult literacy, GED, substance abuse counseling, religious services, library services, and recreation.
What is important for the public to know about programs offered to the inmates while they are incarcerated in the Utah County Jail, is that these programs are provided at no cost to the public. Money is generated from the “inmate telephone systems” and the inmates are paying for the programs offered to them while they are incarcerated. We have 3 part-time employees and over 90 volunteers. Specific programs for the inmates, with a short description, are listed below:
The instructor that teaches this course is a part time employee. He is a certified instructor of the Franklin Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The course is approximately a 15 hour course and takes about 3 weeks to complete. The Living @ 5 course is divided into two sections.
The first section teaches powerful principles regarding thinking processes. Seven principles are integrated into a model that instructs students how to recognize where their thoughts are focused in time–the past, the present or the future. Students are taught to recognize that feelings of shame, guilt, regret, and revenge come from too much thinking in the past. Feelings of fear, anxiety, and dismay come from too much thinking in the future. Students are taught that power to change their lives exists only in the present moment. The course motto,"If Not Now-When?" suggests that the time to change is NOW.
The second section of the course presents Habits 1, 2, 3 & 7 of the popular course from Franklin Covey Company, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The habits that are taught lead a person to replace reactive and victim-based behaviors with proactive behaviors. Personal Mission Statements are drafted, priorities set, and short and long-term goals created. Completion of this course will earn 5 days good time.
The instructors are volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They will meet with interested inmates once a week in a group setting. The course is structured around values held by the Church's faith.
The RISE Program is a drug and alcohol rehabiliitation program. It currently has one 3/4 time and two part-time instructors/case workers who hold regular classes with the inmates. Classes are also held in an aftercare program for inmates who started with RISE while in the jail and have since been released into the community. The program coordinates wwith a group of volunteer in the community. The program coordinates with a group of volunteers in the community. These volunteers act as mentors to the inmates once they are released. They also assist with the instructors in aftercare meetings and help with obtaining transportation and housing for the former inmates.
The instructors are part time employees. The course is taught to parents who are in the jail, whose family is enrolled in the class in the community. It’s a program designed to discuss the prevention of violence and personal safety for victims.
The Utah Defendant Offender Workforce Development (UDOWD) program at the Utah County Sheriff's Office is part of a nationwide effort to reduce recidivism using best practices.
The UDOWD Task Force is a collaborative effort of federal, state, and local law enforcement working with Workforce Services, Vocational Rehabilitation, religious and business interests.
Offenders have many important transitions in life and during their time in jail. Before they transition from the main jail into Jail Industries Program those who choose to participate in UDOWD attend an orientation. During this orientation they complete various assessments to better understand how their vocational choices impact their life. During a follow-up interview the offender takes a Work Values assessment to help them find the career choices that are or may be a good fit for them while in jail and upon release.
The offenders who participate in the program and classes learn pro-social skills that will help them transition back into society. They learn how career development and proper vocational choices can lead to job satisfaction and successful reintegration back into the community.
Deputy Greg Jarvis is in charge of the program and is a certified instructor. For more information, please contact Deputy Jarvis at GregJ@utahcounty.gov.
The Utah County Jail provide a yellow carbon copy of the DNA Collection form to every person whose DNA is taken at the Jail. This is your proof that your DNA was taken at our facility. We do not keep a copy on file. If you lose your copy you must call the State DNA Lab at 801-560-6219 to obtain proof that your DNA was taken.
Other services provided to the inmates through discharge planning include educational opportunities and financial assistance, vocational rehabilitation opportunities, Community Action, Turning Point, Utah National Guard, Apprenticeship Training, Department of Work Force Services, Gathering Place, temporary staffing services, Food and Care Coalition, and District Adult Education Departments. The inmates are provided with telephone numbers and a map of the area that identifies where these agencies are located.