Utah County Jail Orientation for Inmate Family and Friends


This is an introductory booklet for individuals who have family or friends incarcerated in the Utah County Jail. This booklet is written in an easy question and answer format and provides a basic understanding of jail operations, rules, and regulations. You should find its contents especially beneficial if you expect to visit or communicate with a inmate or to conduct any other business. The full inmate handbook can be viewed below

Jail Administration

Q. What types of services does the Jail provide for the inmates and their families?

A. The Jail provides services such as:

  1. Property Releases
    Family or friends may come to the Jail to obtain property the inmate had in his or her possession at the time of incarceration. The only property released is everything the inmate had on him or her when they were booked into jail, except clothing and money.

  2. Property Acceptances
    • Prescription glasses
    • Contact lenses
    • Unopened containers of contact lens solutions
    • Specific items ordered by the jail physicians

  3. General Information

Inmate Classification

Q. What is classification and how are inmates classified?

A. The Classification personnel determines the classification level for each inmate and where the inmate will be housed. Inmates are classified in an effort to place them in the proper housing unit for the community, staff and other inmates. Inmates are initially classified within 3 to 5 days from the day they are incarcerated. The Classification personnel looks at indicators such as:

  • Current charges
  • Past convictions
  • Escape history
  • Past institutional behavior
  • Felony convictions
  • Alcohol and/or drug use
  • Stability factors, including:
    • Age
    • Employment

An inmate's classification level determines the housing unit assignment, access to the day room, programs, visiting and commissary.

Inmate Good Time

Q. How does an inmate earn good time?

A. Good time is calculated by not only good behavior, but also by the participation in programs. Working in the jail may help them to accrue more good time. Usually at a rate of 10 days per month, where as no participation will only earn five days per month.

Housing Assignments

Q. Where do inmates live?

Q. What is it like where they are living?

A. Cleaning equipment is made available daily for cleaning cells and common areas. Cleaning is mandatory. Inmate beds will be neatly made from morning wake-up until evening lock-down, except when occupied.


Q. What happens when a person is taken to jail?

Release from Jail

Q. How is an inmate released from jail?

A. An inmate may be released from jail by:

  • Paying the bail or fine
  • Contacting a bail bond company (We cannot refer you to a bondsman. There are multiple listings in the Yellow Pages)
  • Release order from the court

Releases can take from two to eight hours for the paperwork to be completed once it has been received by the Records Clerks.

Health Care

Q. What type of health care is provided to the inmates?

A. Please refer to the medical information page for additional information.

Mail & Publications

Q. How do Inmates send/receive mail; how do I address the mail and what can I send it?

A. Mail is picked up and delivered Monday through Friday, except holidays. All incoming and outgoing mail must go through the U.S. Postal System. All incoming and outgoing personal mail will be screened, therefore, make no assumption of privacy in using the mail system.

The jail's mailing address and format:

Inmate’s first and last name
Inmate's booking number (look up booking number)
Utah County Jail
3075 North Main
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660

All senders of mail must put their full name and address on the front, top left corner of the envelope.

Letters from public officials, attorneys or courts are considered privileged, if the mail is properly marked and the envelope displays an appropriate letterhead with the sender’s name. All privileged mail will be opened and inspected for contraband in the presence of the inmate to whom it is addressed.

Letters or publications containing contraband, escape plans, plans for criminal activity, obscene or sexually explicit materials, encoded messages, or nudity will be refused or seized as evidence.

Inmates who receive money orders and certified checks in the mail will have those funds credited to their accounts and receipted. If the person receiving the money refuses to endorse the check or money order it will be returned to the sender. Personal checks will not be placed on your account but returned to the sender.

Mail sent to the jail after a inmate has been released will be returned to the sender. If there isn't a return address the mail will be sent to the U.S. Postal Service for proper disposition.

Items the inmates my NOT receive:

  • Books or materials containing explicit pictures or photographs
  • Newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, calendars, hardback books, phone cards and/or food/candy items
  • Stickers, glue, tape, water spots, perfume spots, lipstick, bodily fluids, etc.
  • Coded messages
  • Photographs larger than 9 x 11 or Polaroid photographs
  • Inmate-to-inmate mail (without proper approval from the jail administration)
  • Sexually explicit materials
  • Laminated items
  • Personal checks
  • Crayon colorings
  • Envelopes
  • Pen/Pencil (writing materials and stamps must be purchased through the commissary)
  • Perfume
  • Lipstick
  • Glitter
  • Tape
  • Paint
  • Adhesives
  • Fabric
  • Ribbon
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Whiteout
  • Staples
  • Cash
  • Gang or drug related items
  • Greeting cards with attachments or mechanical parts
  • Any items that may be used for gambling/bartering


Q. Do inmates get visits, and what are the visiting rules and regulations, who can visit?

A. Please visit our Visitation FAQ page for detailed information regarding jail visitation.

Telephone Use

Q. When can an inmate call me? Can I call the inmate? Are the calls free? What if I don’t want the inmate to call me?

A. Phone calls in the housing areas from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. (depending on the inmate’s classification level). Phone calls are usually limited to 20 minutes. Inmates cannot bill or transfer calls to any third party, any attempt to do so may result in termination of the call.

The jail will not place or accept any phone calls for inmates. The jail staff will not accept any telephone messages for inmates. (In case of emergencies, staff will verify and evaluate the emergency first, before deciding whether to deliver the message.)

If you do not wish to have an inmate calling you, you can contact 1-877-578-3658 to have the call blocked, or you can choose not to accept the phone call.

To accept a collect call on your cell phone from the jail, you will need to call 1-877-578-3658 and have an account set up so that your phone will accept the collect calls.

TDD machines are available for the hearing impaired.

DNA Collection

Q. Do all inmates have to submit to a DNA test? What does it cost to have this test done?

A. Normally this will only involve the taking of a saliva sample and fingerprints to identify the sample source. The jails are specifically authorized by law to use force if necessary to collect a required sample. If force is necessary to obtain the sample, the jails may choose to use a medical blood draw. When the law requires an inmate to provide a sample while incarcerated, that sample will be obtained before an inmate will be released.

A collection/analysis fee will be assessed against inmate fund accounts as permitted. The fee for the DNA collection is $150 dollars.

Inmate Programs

Q. What programs are offered to inmates in the jail?

A. The jail offers multiple programs while a person is incarcerated in jail. A sampling of the classes include: Adult basic education, addiction support groups, personal health, life skills, and religious based classes. An inmate can obtain further information about the available programs from the Housing Unit Officer or submit an Inmate Request Form to the Programs Unit.

For more information, please refer to the Jail Programs page.

Inmate Worker Privileges

Q. Do inmates work while they are in jail?

A. The inmate’s classification level, the need of the jail, current charges, medical clearance, and the discretion of the Programs Unit. If enough sentenced inmates are unavailable, volunteer unsentenced inmates may be considered for an inmate worker position. Inmate Workers work in the kitchen, jail industries, and various cleaning assignments in the jail.

Alternatives to Incarceration

Q. What alternatives to incarceration are available to inmates?

A. The jail currently operates a GPS Diversion Program. The inmates wear an ankle monitor and live at home. Inmates are required to report to the jail weekly. They are also required to attend a class each week on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. or Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m.

A work diversion program is also available. An inmate arranges to work on certain days through the jail. They are required to work on supervised work crews on the Jail’s property and for other government and non-profit organizations. Inmates are required to pay weekly fees to participate in the work programs.

Inmate Rules & Regulations

Q. Whose rules do the inmates follow?

A. Inmates are given an Inmate Rules and Regulations Handbook (available in both English and Spanish) when processed into the facility. The handbook gives inmates information on the operation, services and inmate rules and regulations of the Utah County Jail.

Inmates must read the handbook and follow the rules. The handbook can not cover every situation that may arise, but being familiar with its contents will educate the inmates as to what services are available and what is expected of them. Inmates are expected to follow all orders and instructions from the staff. An orientation video is also shown to new inmates. If an inmate has questions about information contained in the handbook or video they can/should ask the Housing Unit Officer. If the inmate is unable to read, the Housing Unit Officer will find someone to read the book to them. Closed captioned video is available to inmates with hearing impairments.

Inmate Requests

Q. Who do the inmates talk to if they have questions or problems?

A. An inmate inquiry for information about the jail, release dates, notary services and jail services can be submitted on an Inmate Request Form. This form can be obtained from any Housing Unit Officer.

Other request forms are available to inmates such as: sick call, mental health, grievance, grievance appeals, discipline appeal, etc. An Inmate Request Form should not be used for the above mentioned requests/concerns. Except in an emergency, inmates will turn their requests in to the Housing Unit Officer. Housing Officers are also available to speak with at any time.

Disciplinary Issues

Q. What happens to an inmate if he/she causes problems in the jail?

A. It is the inmate's responsibility to know and obey all jail rules. All questions regarding the jail rules should be directed to the Housing Unit Officers.

Pursuant to UCA 17-22-28(2) “A jail may request restitution from an inmate for damaging jail property as part of an administrative disciplinary hearing. To enforce this restitution, the jail may withdraw money from or place a hold on an inmate’s account.”


Q. How does an inmate file a complaint and what is the process once a complaint is filed?

A. Inmates are allowed to file a written grievance about conditions in the jail. The complaint must be on an Inmate Grievance Form and made within seven (7) days from the date the incident happened. The inmate can obtain this form from any Housing Unit Officer. Each Inmate Grievance Form must be limited to one topic. If the inmate uses disrespectful language on the form it may result in disciplinary action and/or the grievance being returned unanswered.

Malicious or frivolous complaints may result in criminal, civil, and/or disciplinary action(s).

Inmates will normally receive an answer within ten days. Inmates may appeal a grievance decision with which they disagree to the appropriate Division Administrator. Appeals must be submitted within seven (7) days of receipt of the grievance response, on an Inmate Grievance Appeal Form. An inmate can obtain this form from any Housing Unit Officer.

A Division Administrator may act to manage access to the grievance process for inmates who repeatedly file malicious and/or frivolous grievances or appeals. This may be done by designating who may receive grievances, and limiting the number of grievances that can be filed in a designated period.

A copy of the Inmate Grievance Policy is posted in each housing unit.

Matters an nnmate may not grieve under this procedure:

  • Matters of which the jail has no control (outside agency actions such as library services, courts, enacted laws, etc.)
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Housing assignments
  • Grievance on behalf of another person or on non-custodial matters
  • Jail personnel issues

Jail Food

Q. What is the food like at the jail?

A. The meals at the jail are designed by a dietician to ensure that the daily nutritional values are met and consist of 2,900 calories a day. The meals served are varied and well prepared. Most inmates will receive their food on a tray, which is delivered to their housing unit on a cart.

Q. Can an inmate decide what to have for a meal?

A. Because all the meals are prepared in a centralized kitchen, everyone is served the same meals, with the exception of religious and medical diets.

Access to Religious Services and Diets

Q. Do inmates have access to religious services and diets?

A. Inmates may talk to religious representatives who are authorized to visit inside the jail. Other religious leaders may make arrangements to visit by contacting the Jail Visiting Lobby.

Certain religious practices (special religious diets) and activities are allowed in the jail. Inmates should request any special religious accommodations by submitting an Inmate Request Form. Inmates' requests will be considered by the Jail Administration (who may inquire into the sincerity of the inmate’s beliefs), the recommendations of the Jail Chaplain, and how the inmate’s request may affect jail operations and security.

Diplomatic and Consular Notification

Q. What if an inmate is a citizen of another county?

A. Under International Treaty, the jail is obligated to notify certain countries respective consulates of a foreign individual’s arrest and/or detainment. Other countries require notification only upon request of the arrested individual. Inmates may make such a request on an Inmate Request Form.