

All inmates are evaluated by a Registered Nurse upon their arrival to the jail. The nurse performs a comprehensive assessment to address allergies, current injuries, medical problems, medications, mental health issues, substance abuse or other medical needs. All inmates are screened for infectious diseases including tuberculosis. Special medical needs are identified and addressed.


When an inmate is taking medications prescribed by a physician in the community, the nursing staff is responsible to verify the validity of the prescription. The verification process includes reviewing the pill bottles, contacting the prescribing physician or contacting the dispensing pharmacy. This information is provided to the on-call physician who is responsible for deciding if the medication should be continued in jail. Not all medications are continued in the jail. The decision to continue medications is the responsibility of jail physicians and is based on the medical necessity of the medication and the current condition of the inmate.

Drug | Alcohol Withdrawal

Inmates who are at risk for withdrawal are closely monitored by nursing staff. Those inmates experiencing symptoms of withdrawal are assessed by a Registered Nurse and treated per physician-approval protocols, which include monitoring of vital signs and administration of medications to alleviate symptoms. In addition, the physician is contacted, as needed, for additional treatment measures.

Access to Healthcare

Inmates may access healthcare at any time during their Incarceration. Excluding medical emergencies, the inmate is required to fill a Sick Call Request Form, which is available from the deputies in the housing unit. Nurses visit each housing section twice a day to collect medical or dental related forms. The nurse will perform an assessment of the inmate’s condition and then determine the necessity and urgency of referral to a physician or dentist. If an inmate relays to family that their healthcare needs have not been addressed, please ask them to submit a Sick Call Request Form.

Mandatory Healthcare Screening

All inmates are evaluated by a Registered Nurse at the time of arrival in the jail.


Nursing staff are available in the jail at all times to respond to emergency situations. Inmates with a medical or mental health emergency should notify jail staff and healthcare staff will respond immediately.


Physicians are scheduled and available to evaluate inmates. The jail physicians are responsible to determine the necessity of medications and other healthcare provided in the jail. Inmates requesting to see a physician should submit a Sick Call request Form and are evaluated by the nursing staff as previously discussed. Inmates with emergent healthcare issues are immediately referred to an outside medical provider when necessary. For security purposes, we will not notify the inmate or family if an appointment has been scheduled with an outside medical provider.


Dental care is available in the jail. All inmates are screened for dental issues during mandatory Screening. Inmates requesting to see the dentist should submit a Sick Call Request Form. The jail provides essential dental care and does not provide elective or cosmetic procedures.


Pregnant inmates will be provided with appropriate prenatal care in the jail. Pregnant inmates are followed closely by jail physicians and other outside medical providers to ensure the health and safety of the mother and child.

Eye Care

The jail does not provide eye exams, eyeglasses, contact lenses or contact lens solutions. Inmate may purchase reading glasses and contact lens supplies through commissary. Prescription eye glasses and contact lenses will be accepted at the Jail. Only one pair of contact lenses will be accepted. Contact solutions are available for purchase though commissary. Solutions for hard/gas permeable lenses are not available through commissary and can be delivered to the jail unopened/sealed.


The jail has implemented a medical co-payment system. Inmates are charged a medical co-payment for self-initiated requests for healthcare in the jail (doctor visits, dentist visits, and prescriptions). Co-payments are not charged for mandatory screening, mental health screening and evaluations, emergency evaluations, daily medical treatments, pregnancy-related issues, jail-ordered referrals or follow-up visits. Inmates will not be denied healthcare based on their inability to pay.


Inmates are encouraged to exercise and maintain their health while in jail. Over-the-counter medications can be purchased from the nurse at medication pass, but other non-essential healthcare items are not provided by the jail and are available for purchase through commissary.


Due to laws governing confidentially, the jail staff is unable to discuss healthcare issues or provide you with specific information related to an inmates medical, dental or mental health issues. If you have information you believe is important to ensure the continuity of healthcare inside the jail, please contact a member of the nursing staff through jail administration or by voice mail at 801-851-4235.

For any comments or questions please contact the Administrator of Medical Services.