Utah County Sheriff's Office

Protective Orders & Stalking Injunctions

There are no fees associated with the service of Protective Orders and Stalking Injunctions. The Sheriff's Office does not provide the forms or instructions on filing these orders. Please refer to the Courts online website for instructions and forms.

Visit utcourts.gov for forms and instructions.

Types of Protective Orders

Ex parte Protective Order:

An Ex parte Protective Order is designed to temporarily protect a domestic violence victim from an abuser until a court hearing can be held for a permanent protective order. A judge may grant an Ex parte Order if the judge believes the person named is in danger of immediate harm.

Protective Order:

A Protective Order may be issued after a court hearing, in which the petitioner(person requesting protection) and the respondent(the person who they are being protected from) have a chance to address the court. The judge will then decided if a Protective Order is justified.

*Ex Parte and Protective Orders must be served by a law enforcement officer or the issuing court. ANY law enforcement officer can and is required by statute UCA 78B-7-603 to serve an Ex Parte' and/or Protective Order issued under the Co-habitant Abuse Act. The Sheriff's Office will deliver these orders without fees.

Stalking Injuction:

If you do not qualify for a Domestic Violence Protective Order, you may qualify for an Ex Parte Civil Stalking Injunction, as described in UCA 76-5-106.5. These orders allow for the restraining of the respondent from the area(s) occupied and frequented by the petitioner and other related persons deemed at risk by the court.