Cedar Fort
Utah County Sheriff’s Office currently provides law enforcement services for Cedar Fort City. Cedar Fort was incorporated in 1965. Residents of Cedar Fort and the Utah County Sheriff’s Office have always enjoyed a wonderful working relationship. Currently there is one deputy assigned specifically to Cedar Fort, though all of our North Region Deputies share in providing enforcement services.
Cedar Fort residents receive all services that the Utah County Sheriff’s Office offers. Some of these services include Patrol, Investigations, Special Victims Unit, Victim Advocates, SWAT, K9 and Emergency Services. A relatively new program, that has been met with great enthusiasm with residents, RAD Kids has been taught at the local elementary schools. This program has empowered children to protect themselves physically from would be aggressors. For more information regarding programs please contact us at 801-851-4050.
The Utah County Sheriff’s Office and Cedar Fort are partnering to provide the most efficient and best services to our residents. Utah County Sheriff’s Office is honored to serve the residents of Cedar Fort.